Netherton Foundry Shropshire

Netherton Foundry Shropshire
Classic cookware, made in England

Sunday, 27 January 2019

A winter warmer

January has always struck me as being the very worst of months to indulge in the ritual self denial of New year's Resolutions.
If you want to give something up, wait til the weather has improved and the nights are lighter - if you need motivation or an excuse go for the full 40 day Lent experience, so much more satisfying than the 31 days of January.  And I'll bet you didn't all start on 1st January anyway, because that's still Christmas holiday, right?
As Debora Robertson says in the January edition of Delicious magazine, "If you're making food-based resolutions this January, give yourself a break.  Don't make them about self denial or some other complex task to out on your ToDo list."

With this sound advice ringing in my ears, I have no hesitation in sharing this savoury suet pudding with you.  Rib-sticking stuff for cold, grey days.

I tblsp rapeseed oil
200-250g leeks
125g mushrooms
75g pecans or walnuts
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tblsp Pedro Ximemez sherry, or any sweet sherry left over from the Christmas trifles (optional)
200ml stock
100g blue cheese, your choice, I used Gorgonzola, as that was what was in the fridge.

120g self raising flour
60g (vegetarian) suet
Salt and pepper

Heat the oven to 170ºC

Slice the leeks into thick coins and chop the mushrooms.
Heat the oil in a 10" prospector casserole or oven proof dish over a low heat.  Add the leeks and mushrooms and cook gently for 5 minutes.

Roghly chop the nuts and add those to the pan, with the thyme, sherry and stock.  Simmer for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat and scatter the blue cheese over the top.

Mix the flour and suet in a mixing bowl, with a generous seasoning of salt and pepper.  Add just enough cold water to bring the mixture together to a stiff dough.  On a floured surface, roll out the dough to fit the top of the pan and carefully lay the dough over the leek mixture.
Cover with a lid and place in the hot oven for 20 minutes.

Serve with buttered carrots and shredded Savoy cabbage.

Netherton Foundry Shropshire 2019 ©

Friday, 25 January 2019

Savoury scones

We are very fond of a scone and grateful to Val Stones, the cake whisperer and Great British Bake Off star for her tip about heating the baking sheet first, so that they start to look and rise as soon as they hit the hot metal.
And we have baking sheets to fit both conventional and range ovens, designed in collaboration with Val, who wanted one substantial enough not to warp and with a decent lip to help you pull it out of the oven.
For every one of these baking sheets sold on the website, we make a donation to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, a charity chosen by Val.

These are tasty, savoury scones, which are delicious with extra goat's cheese and a few black olives.

250g self raising flour
70g butter, cubed
6 sundried tomatoes, chopped and soaked in hot water for 20 minutes
Few sprigs of thyme, stripped from the stems (or 1tsp dried thyme)
1 tblsp chopped chives
60g soft goats cheese

Note: I have not used salt because the sundried tomatoes are often very salty, but if your tomatoes are not salty, them add a teaspoon of salt to the flour.
Place the baking sheet in the oven and pre-heat to 200ºC. Tip the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the butter.  Rub together until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs (you can also do this in a food processor)
Drain the tomatoes (save the soaking liquid to add to tomato sauces or gravy) and add to the mix with the thyme, chives and crumbled goat's cheese.
Stir in just enough milk to bring the mixture together into a firm dough.

Roll out on a floured board to a thickness of around 2cm and cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter.  Be careful not to twist the cutter as you lift it or your scones will rise unevenly.
Remove the tray from the oven and carefully place the scones on the tray. 
Return to the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Transfer to a cooling rack for as long as you can withstand the temptation, but do eat them warm, when they are at their very best.

Netherton Foundry Shropshire 2019 ©

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Food; fads, fetishes and fascism

New year, new you; it used to be just ads for the gym and soon to be abandoned personal resolutions to somehow or other be "better", to lose a bit of weight, to give up smoking, chocolate, biting your nails.

But we are now faced with the Instagram onslaught of Veganuary and dry January.

What you eat is up to you, what we eat is our choice.  If I choose to eat jam and cauliflower, I don't expect you to follow suit (I don't by the way) a teenager my brother put Marmite on custard creams, it was just a phase which I put down to a lack of psychotropic drugs in rural Yorkshire.
I like to think my choice is well informed, balancing pleasure, nutritional needs, budget and a respect for the environment.  But researching this piece made me realise how hard this can be, how contradictory and confusing.

I do not take issue with meat free Monday, if you are already following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you are doing it any way and omnivores get to exercise a little imagination once a week.  But the on-line pressures to swap, whole-heartedly and without guidance, to a vegan diet present issues, as I see it.
Obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction, food banks, eating disorders, food allergies and a general lack of knowledge about basic nutrition and cooking skills are headline grabbing topics. Yet all of these are deeply complex and need to be explored from all angles.  There is no "one size fits all" solution, no magic bullet.  Knee jerk reactions, TV campaigns and sound bites are not enough.  
There are choices to be made and actions to be taken at individual, national and international levels, but the right choices and the right actions are hard to delineate.  Cooking from scratch and using cheap cuts of meat sound like a panacea to all our food issues, but if you haven't got the money to feed the electricity meter, a cheap takeaway may be your only option.  
As I started reading material relating to the things I was trying to get clear in my own mind, I felt like I was being sucked, like Alice on her trip to Wonderland, down a rabbit hole, only to end up on the dark side of the moon.  The sheer volume of material on all sides of the debate was overwhelming.  Some was carefully researched and scientifically beyond my comprehension, some bordered on dangerous lunacy.
If you then throw global famine, war, nuclear and chemical weapons, rising sea levels, plastic pollution, climate change, religious intolerance, refugee crises, modern slavery and terrorism into the mix, I feel like I have catapulted on to Ultima Thule, whose very existence was unknown to us until recently.

A quick scan of food trends for 2019 shows vegetarianism and veganism are on the rise. And fast food outlets and food processors and retailers are joining in.  The launch of Gregg's vegan sausage roll, the uproar it created and their magnificent PR handling of the entire event were as enjoyable as the product itself.  Try one, you never know, you may actually enjoy it.

No bad thing, but there are arguments on both sides.  It is generally agreed that we should reduce the levels of intensive animal breeding to reduce their impact on the environment and on the factors influencing climate change. 
Whether you eat meat or not, there can be no justification for intensive farming, poor animal husbandry and inhumane methods of slaughter.
But remember, when you campaign to save an endangered species, that many rare British breeds have survived to fill their place in our biodiversity, only because they have been bred for the table.   

These 2 articles demonstrate why we need to address a global uptake of veganism more carefully and not see it as a simple answer to an increasingly complicated question.
The first discusses how intensive dairy and meat farming is damaging, but so too are farms producing purely arable crops. A balance, well tended and managed, creates a richer biodiversity. 

The second addresses non dairy milks, hailed as healthier, more natural and more environmentally responsible than the dairy equivalents.  Like many vegan food products, the problem lies not in the ingredients, but the processes. 

And finally, this article touches on the concerns for the individual in swapping their diet for the promise of a "better" self. 
This is what causes me anxiety about the Veganuary campaign, the power of social media is a potent force and not everyone has the strength to resist its allure. A lot of people lead very healthy, active and happy lives on a vegan diet, but any and all diets need to be balanced, to give you everything your body needs and, in this writer's opinion, should also give you pleasure in your food.  
So, if you are well informed and sure that you are getting what you need, throw yourself in to Veganuary and don't be surprised that it is tastier than you think, but please make sure you know what you are doing.
And if you type vegan or vegetarian into the search box at the top of the screen, you will find some recipes to try out!  We are all for a more plant based diet, but please do not ask us to give up cheese!

Netherton Foundry Shropshire 2019 ©

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Mushroom and walnut sausage rolls

These are a great party food, when cut into dainty(ish) slices but also hold their own as a vegetarian dinner dish, when served with either a robust salad or chips, peas and mushroom gravy.

Half a pack of ready rolled puff pastry - use the good stuff made with butter if you can. Put the rest in the freezer for another day.
If you are feeling virtuous, you can make your own.
250g chestnut mushrooms
100g mixed nuts
Several sprigs of fresh tarragon or thyme
Freshly ground white pepper
2 eggs

Pre-heat the oven to 200ºC with the griddle plate or baking sheet inside!

Roll out the pastry into a long strip approx 10cm wide and overall about 20% bigger than it came out of the pack 
Chop the mushrooms finely - a food processor is ideal for this, but make sure you don't turn them to mush.
Then do the same with the nuts, don't make nut butter!
Mix the mushrooms and nuts together in a large mixing bowl and add the herbs, pepper and one of the eggs.
Combine thoroughly. Place in a long sausage shape along the centre of the pastry strip.  Beat the second egg lightly and use to moisten one long edge of the pastry.  Carefully roll the other edge over the mushroom sausage and stick it gently to the eggy edge. Cut it in half - yes, across the short bit, not the long bit, just in case anyone was wondering.  I have a half soaked teenager to thank for the adding this piece of advice, and it wasn't one of my own!
Take the griddle plate or baking sheet out of the oven (please put it on a trivet or heat proof surface) and taking due care to personal safety, transfer the sausage to the heated surface, with the sealed edge underneath and then brush the pastry lavishly with the rest of the beaten egg.  If you feel so inclined, sprinkle the top with seeds of some description - black or white sesame, poppy for example -and return the baking tray to the oven.  Cook for 20 minutes until the top is golden and the pastry is flaky.
Slice into small portions and serve warm.

Netherton Foundry Shropshire 2019 ©

Saturday, 5 January 2019

The Urban Spice man cometh

It was an exciting day when the postman dropped off this parcel.
We have been entrusted with a selection of the Urban Spice Man's range of spice blends for pre-launch testing and honoured with the task of coming up with some recipe ideas.

Intriguing and enticing titles and a full menu of contents - I couldn't wait to get started.  But life has been hectic of late, so simplicity was the key consideration.  These spice blends are well thought out, beautifully balanced and absolutely zinging with flavour, so simple is anything but boring.
On a #MeatFreeMonday in dreary December, this zipadeedoodah green tomato and black bean curry was as bright and cheerful as a Spring day.

1 tblsp rapeseed oil, we always use our local favourite from Bennett and Dunn
1 onion, sliced
20g butter
2 cloves garlic, sliced
200g green tomatoes, chopped into large chunks - the last of the season, the plants withered by the first frost, the fruit clinging on, but with no hope of ripening.  You could also use any under-ripe tomatoes for this recipe, the astringency bringing another flavour dimension to the dish.
200g cooked black beans (or kidney beans)
2 teaspoons Wor Toon Curry Pooda (adjust the quantity to taste) 
50g creamed coconut
250ml water
4 generous handfuls spinach
Juice of 1 lemon
2 tsp salt

Put the oil and butter in a large frying pan or prospector pan and warm over a medium heat.
When the butter foams, add the onion and garlic and fry until translucent. Tip in the spice mix and cook for 5 minutes.  If the mixture starts to catch on the bottom of the pan add a little water (you don't need any more oil).

Put the tomatoes, beans and coconut in the pan and stir in the water.

Simmer for 30 minutes, adding more water if the sauce looks too thick.
Taste, add the lemon juice and season with salt.
Add the spinach, a handful at a time and when it has just wilted, the dish is ready to serve.
A handful of chopped coriander and some lemon wedges would not go amiss, but are not essential.

Serve with rice or naan.
Serves 4

Keep checking the website and our social media for more news from the Spiceman and more recipes.

Netherton Foundry Shropshire 2018 ©